Powerlifting Program Pdf

  1. Whether you're looking for a beginner program, intermediate program, or a peaking program, you'll find a great powerlifting workout routine to get stronger. All spreadsheets are mobile friendly and powered by Google Sheets (better than PDF) - and no website has more free programs than Lift Vault!
  2. About the Hybrid Powerlifting for Mass Hypertrophy Program. 12-Week Program Lifting Chart; Workout-1: Squat / Deadlift Max Strength Training Workout-2: Bench Press Max Strength Training Workout-3: Squat Volume Training Workout-4: Bench Press Volume Training Powerlifting is a competitive sport that takes years of hard work and consistent dedication to become proficient at.
  3. Note: every powerlifting program and powerbuilding program below includes an excel spreadsheet and pdf that is free to download. Simply click on the program you want (and navigate to its page), download the excel sheet near the top, enter your maxes, and track your results! List of Powerlifting Programs and Routines + Powerbuilding Programs.


  • 3 Juggernaut Base Method Program Spreadsheet

In this program, athletes were asked to complete a main lift for the day, followed by a workout. Nowadays, I’d estimate 2 out of every 3 boxes follow this methodology at least a couple of times a week. And, you’d be hard pressed to find any of the most common competitive CrossFit programs not programming daily strength training.

Juggernaut Training Method Overview

Based upon Juggernaut Training Systems and Chad Wesley Smith, the Juggernaut Method incorporates significant amounts of submaximal work to build work capacity in the lifter without overly taxing the CNS. Not specific to powerlifting, the Juggernaut Method will help athletes of many disciplines get stronger.

Related: Inverted Juggernaut Method Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet below represents the basic 16 week cycle. Here’s a visual example of how the program’s different waves and phases are laid out, both images courtesy of Warrior Women.

Juggernaut Training Books

If you want to really take your training to the next level, check out excellent literature below from Chad Wesley Smith.

Check out the Juggernaut Method 2.0 and Juggernaut Raw Squat Handbook ebooks on Amazon.

Juggernaut Base Method Program Spreadsheet

The Juggernaut Base Method is available below via Google Sheets. Better than a PDF!

Juggernaut Method Base Template Spreadsheet

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Written by Calgary Barbell, the 16 week and 8 week programs are designed to improve the squat, bench press, and deadlift of the athlete in preparation for a powerlifting meet. You can, however, run them even if you’re not prepping for a meet. Both programs are quite similar, with the primary difference between the two being that the 16 week program has a more full progression of each lift, whereas the 8 week program is more a training snapshot.

Update: Added “Revised” version of the 16 week of the program that as floating around Reddit. I also edited the original spreadsheets to make them work with LB or KG very easily.


  • 2 Calgary Barbell 16 Week Program Spreadsheet KG + LB (Original)
  • 4 Calgary Barbell 8 Week Program Spreadsheet (KG + LB)
  • 5 Calgary Barbell Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

16 Week + 8 Week Program Summary:

  • 4 training sessions per week
  • Squat 3x per week*
  • Bench 4x per week *
  • Deadlift 3x per week*
  • Uses a combination of 1RM % and RPE to program load
    • The “Revised” version of the spreadsheet allows the athlete to customize a % for each RPE rep range to make weight selection a bit simpler. But remember, the point of RPE is to reflect the athlete’s strength that day. These suggestions are flexible.
  • Includes taper week if preparing for a powerlifting meet

*Includes competition lift and variations

Calgary Barbell 16 Week Program Spreadsheet KG + LB (Original)

16 Week Complete Program - Calgary Barbell

Video: About the 16 Week Program by Calgary Barbell

Watch this video on YouTube

Calgary Barbell 16 Week Program Spreadsheet KG + LB (REVISED)

  1. This is modified version of Calgary Barbell’s 16 Week program. What changed? Weights that were based on RPE (e.g. 3x5 @RPE 8) have been converted using a % of 1RM estimation to recommended loads.
    1. So 3x5 @RPE 8 would turn into 3x5 @ 86%.
  2. Since the entire point of RPE is to modify your workout based on daily strength fluctuations, these estimations should be taken with a grain of salt. They are flexible suggestions. It is OK to lift less or more than the recommended value.
  3. If you feel so inclined, you can modify the table below to your own preferred % estimation.

Powerlifting Program Pdf Free

Calgary Barbell 16 Week (Revised) LB + KG LiftVault.com

Calgary Barbell 8 Week Program Spreadsheet (KG + LB)

8 Week Complete Program - Calgary Barbell

Video: About the 8 Week Program by Calgary Barbell

Kizen Powerlifting Program Pdf

Watch this video on YouTube

Calgary Barbell Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a good substitution for the pin squat?

/asus-h81m-k-sm-bus-controller-driver.html. A pause squat or box squat should be ok substitutes.

Conjugate Powerlifting Program Pdf

What is the main difference between the 8 week and 16 week programs?

Aside from the obvious program length difference, the 16 week program allows for a “fuller progression” of the lifts, whereas the 8 week program is more of a “training snapshot” (Bryce’s words). Practically speaking, there’s more exercise variation in the 16 week program. If you can afford it, run the 16 week program. If you need to prep for a competition in 8 weeks, then the 8 week program is a better choice. You can also try out Calgary Barbell’s training methods with the 8 week program, which is less of a commitment than the 16 week program.

How long are training sessions for these programs?

Many people report training sessions around 1.5 hours (90 minutes).

What are the three numbers in the tempo column?

Descent time, pause time at bottom of lift, ascent time. All measured in seconds.

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