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Everything you need to enjoy Fable 3 and decide the destiny of the Kingdom of Albion!

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By Krysten Stewart


-(CTRL – F) is your friend!-

001 - Introduction
CON - Controls
SAN – The Sanctuary
RTR - Road to Rule
FYI – For Your Information
002 - The Beginning
003 - Leaving the Castle
004 - A New Hero
005 - In Wolf’s Clothing
006 - Chicken Chaser
007 - Missing Play
008 - Leaders and Followers
009 - The Hollow Legion
010 - Newb Questions
011 - Silver Keys
012 - Gold Keys
SOU – Sources to be Cited!

001 - Introduction to the Guide

Fable III is the latest chapter in a saga that has sold more than six million copies. Fans new and old will now set out upon an adventure, in which a race for the crown is only the beginning of your thrilling journey. Fifty years have passed since Fable II and Albion has developed into an industrial revolution, but the destiny of the kingdom hangs in the balance.

You will be called upon to assemble and battle alongside your allies and ascend to the seat of power while defending your throne. During your quest you will need to seize power from an evil tyrant and defend your kingdom. The choices you make along the way will change the world around you. Will you change it for the greater good? Or will you take this opportunity to increase your own personal gain? These choices will mold the type of Hero you will become. The path is yours to pave, from the tyrant you rebelled against or to possibly become the greatest Hero that Albion has ever seen.

CON – Controls

X Box

Left Stick > Controls General Movement, like Walking, Aiming
Right Stick > Controls Camera Movement
D- Pad > Context- Sensitive Shortcuts, like within the Sanctuary
Start > Go to Sanctuary (pause)
Back > Map
RB > Villager Information
RT > Look At
LB > Camera Reset
LT > Aim with Ranged Weapon or Hold Hand Interaction
A > Interact; Hold to Run
X > Melee Attack; Hold to Block; Hold X and Hold Left Stick to Flourish
Y > Ranged Attack; Hold to Flourish
B > Magic Attack; Hold to Charge; Hold Left Stick to Target


Left Mouse Button = LMB Right Mouse Button = RMB

LMB > Primary Attack
RMB > Special
1 > Melee Mode
2 > Magic Mode
3 > Ranged Mode

Combat Modes-
LMB Attack, Hold to Flourish;
RMB Hold to Block
LMB Targeted Spell, Hold to Charge;
RMB Surround Spell, Hold to Charge
LMB Attack, Hold to Flourish;
RMB Hold to Aim
Mouse Wheel > Scroll through Modes

W > Move Forward
A > Move Left
S > Move Backward
D > Move Right
E > Interact/ Select
Space > Roll
Shift > Sprint (toggle)
ESC > Go to Sanctuary
P > Pause
F5 > Quick Save
CTRL > Camera Reset
F1- F4 > Context Sensitive Shortcuts
M > Open Map
Backspace > Safety Mode
Q > Hold Hands Interaction
Tab > Look at

SAN - The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is likely the most important location for you within the world of Albion. From here, you can track quests, jobs and sales at various shops. You can also manage your property and fortune as well as access your inventory. This is also where you load, save and manage game options.

Jasper will serve as your butler and a great source of information from within this room. He will guide you to understand and use your Map Table, a way of quickly travelling Albion and the lands beyond.

The Sanctuary is also your dogs resting place. While you are handling your business, your dog will be catching some zzz’s in the basket against the wall. You can approach him as he sleeps to change his name or even breed if you have the potions.

Next to the dog basket is a shelf with no purpose other than to hold gifts given to you in order to shield your brilliant radiance. Whether from villagers or other players, you can open these gifts to find fabulous prizes!


This room serves as storage for your weapons, including swords, hammers, pistols, rifles and spell gauntlets. To equip different weapons, visit the armory.

Dressing Room

This room collects all the clothes you acquire, as well as hairstyles, facial hair, tattoos, makeup and dyes. On the left, there are three mannequins set aside to save your favorite outfits. After creating an ensemble you like, ‘save’ it on a custom mannequin (This includes dyed pieces) to access the same outfit anytime later.

Treasure Room

This room houses your various treasures from your travels. Gold, achievements and trophies are all stored within the Treasure Room.


From this room you can access LIVE features. You can access your friends list, invite other players into your game, join someone else’s game and browse items available for download through the online store.

RTR - Road to Rule

This is the mystical path you must journey along on your way to taking the throne and becoming a legendary Hero. On this path you will find chests containing Skills, Magic, Dye Packs and many other things to help you in your journey. Opening a chest requires Guild Seals. The Guild Seals you earn by defeating enemies, engaging with people and completing quests. Each chest costs a specific number of Guild Seals, so spend them wisely. Unlocking them all is no easy task.

First Gate

1 Guild Seal
-Fireball Spell: Burns and forces targets back a step

Second Gate

2 Guild Seals
-Dye Pack 1: Red, Blue, Grey and Green

-Friend Expression Pack: Whistle, Hero Pose and Chat Expressions

-Landlord Pack: Buy, Rent and Decorate houses

20 Guild Seals
-Melee Level 1: More damage from melee attacks

-Ranged Level 1: More damage from ranged attacks

-Magic Level 1: More damage from magic attacks

40 Guild Seals
-Shock Spell: Electrocutes and temporarily stuns targets

Third Gate

5 Guild Seals
-Lover Expression Pack: Dance, Hug, and Kiss Expressions

-Blacksmith Level 2: Upgrade your blacksmithing skill to earn more gold

-Lute Level 2: Upgrade your musical skill to earn more gold

-Pie Maker Level 2: Upgrade your baking skill to earn more gold

10 Guild Seals- Family Pack: Unlocks Marriage, House Buying, Having Children and Adoption, as well as the Lover Expression Pack

40 Guild Seals
-Melee Level 2: More damage from melee attacks

-Ranged Level 2: More damage from ranged attacks

-Magic Level 2: More damage from magic attacks

Fourth Gate

5 Guild Seals
-Joker Expression Pack: Tickle, Pat-A-Cake, and Chicken Dance Expressions

-Dye Pack 2: Khaki, Purple, Orange and Pink

15 Guild Seals-Blacksmith Level 3: Upgrade your blacksmithing skill to earn more gold

-Lute Level 3: Upgrade your musical skill to earn more gold

-Pie Maker Level 3: Upgrade your baking skill to earn more gold

40 Guild Seals
-Ice Storm Spell: Rain icy daggers upon your foes

Fifth Gate

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5 Guild Seals
-Dye Pack 3: White, Lime, Yellow and Brown

-Entrepreneur Pack: Learn to haggle and buy shops

40 Guild Seals
-Vortex Spell: Windstorm your opponents into chaos

50 Guild Seals
-Spell Weaving: Learn how to combine the forces of two spells by wearing two gauntlets

Sixth Gate

5 Guild Seals
-Bully Expression Pack: Insult, Point & Laugh and Threaten Expressions

-Theft Pack: Learn how to steal

35 Guild Seals
-Blacksmith Level 4: Upgrade your blacksmithing skill to earn more gold

-Lute Level 4: Upgrade your musical skill to earn more gold

-Pie Maker Level 4: Upgrade your baking skill to earn more gold

60 Guild Seals
-Melee Level 3: More damage from melee attacks

-Ranged Level 3: More damage from ranged attacks

-Magic Level 3: More damage from magic attacks

FYI – For Your Information

Social Interactions

The world is full of people! Stunning news I know. For the people in Albion, you are hot like sliced bread. Even if they hate you, they will often give you gifts. You can interact with any person, anywhere. You will be given two choices of actions, one to make them like you and one to make them get all huffy with you. Unfortunately, if you are trying to make a friend and “dance” or “fart on” are your options, you’ll need to get jiggy with it to avoid conflict. After doing friendly things with people for a bit, they will offer you a quest to improve your relationship. Usually a “go here, do this and come” back sort of deal, these don’t take much time and reward you with a friend and even some Guild Seals.

Dog Tips

Your dog is your supporting character. You can rename him in the Sanctuary, where he can be found asleep in a basket in the main room. You can interact with your dog often, or just let him search out fantastic treasure for you. This furry friend will also happily maul any enemies you knock to the ground and will help you complete fetch quests. You can upgrade your dog’s abilities by buying or finding books that can increase treasure finding, aggressiveness and also charisma.

Gold Tips

Making gold in this game isn’t the hardest thing to do; the trickiest part is being patient.

Start by picking your favorite job: lute, makin’ pies, or blacksmithing. Then, upgrade that skill within the Road to Rule as often as possible. This will increase the amount of gold you make from doing that job.

Another way to add to your income after working a job for a bit is to start buying houses. You will have to repair them as you buy them since durability decays over time. Next be sure to raise the rent to the highest available, this will make people yell at you in the streets, but gold will roll in every five minutes. With this option however, you will need to check on your houses over time, repairing durability loss and upgrading furniture.

The best method for gaining gold is buying up shops and stalls when the entrepreneur pack becomes available. Don’t forget to jack up the prices. Set it and forget. You never have to go back to that store if you don’t want to; although it is worth noting that as owner you receive a nice discount…

Once you have bought all the shops and or houses available to you, leave the game running and wander aimlessly through your house for a little bit. This will be helpful since gold rolls in every five minutes you are in game. Even more so since when it comes to the point when you need to gold the most, the game will move at a much more accelerated pace and you can easily run out of time.


Throughout the game you will make promises. After claiming the crown, you will be hard pressed to keep these promises. Hard pressed as in that it will cost somewhere along the lines of EIGHT MILLION GOLD to do so. Of course, if you are aiming for evil tyrant, you are under no obligation to find a way to scrounge up the coin. However, if you want people working the shops, people renting houses or just some folks loitering in the streets, you’re going to need to start saving ASAP.

Exploratory Tips

Albion is a large world, with much to discover. There are chests, dig spots and more all throughout the world. Although it has been outlined where to find keys- chests and dig spots I’ve for the most part left out. You don’t NEED them to beat the game or to beat the game well. Some mystery should be left for you to discover! So strike off, go the opposite way of your breadcrumb trail as often as possible and explore seemingly useless spaces. You never know what you could find.


Whether or not you play as male or female, the game plays the same way. The only real difference is that your childhood friend will change name and gender based on what you choose. Elise will be your friend if you are male and Elliot will be your friend if you are female. For this guide, this character will from here on out be referred to as Eli.Besides that, obviously, people will call you King / Queen accordingly and refer to your parent similarly, which is the Hero you played in Fable 2.

002 - The Beginning

The story begins with a choice: Prince or Princess. You are awoken by your butler, Jasper. He informs you that your old friend Eli is waiting for you. Walk forward and choose your outfit: Practical or Elegant. This choice is of no consequence. Toro ccr 3650 parts manual.

Follow the breadcrumb trail out of the bedroom, straight and down the stairs. Travel in this manner through the gardens to meet Eli. After greeting Eli, you must choose whether to bestow upon them a hug or kiss. This choice is of no consequence.

Eli mentions everyone is upset with your brother’s recent actions and suggests you speak to castle staff. Take Eli’s hand and head back through the garden the way you came. Instead of taking the stairs to your bedroom, head up the other staircase and through the door to the right. Notice the chicken from the cut scene!

Now you are in the kitchen and the staff wants a speech. This is your first choice of consequence; choose to give an uplifting speech or a demoralizing speech. Your choice will determine how people think of you, for good or evil. Walter comes in as you finish and reminds you it is time for combat training.

Go with Walter up the stairs and down the hall to the foyer, where townspeople await. They have a petition to eliminate poverty and want Walter to sign, to which he suggests your signature would be of more influence. Choose to sign or to insult. This will affect your moral standing.

Follow Walter to his training room. Take a sword from the wall on the left. You will spar with Walter until Eli bursts through the door, exclaiming a riot is outside the castle. Walter leaves you to go speak with your brother and Eli insists you go as well. Wind after your glowing trail to hear your brother arguing with Walter. You barge in and confront your brother. He concedes that it is time to let you play at his responsibility.

Eli and you are both seized and taken to the throne room. You now must choose who will die, Eli or the ringleaders of the riot. This will affect your moral standing and you will lose Eli regardless; if not forever, then for the time being. If you choose neither, all will die. After you choose, you round on your brother, swearing never to forgive him. He replies that that was his intent and that you never forget.

003 - Leaving the Castle

Walter and Jasper convince you that it’s time for a revolution. It is time to leave the castle. Leave your room and head back towards where you met Eli that fateful morning. Stairs in the center of the far end of the garden are your destination. Enter the catacombs and charge right up to the massive statue overlooking your parent’s tombs. Her hands will fall and offer to you your first guild seal.

Take it and be introduced to Theresa and the Road to Rule. Theresa explains herself as best she will and then offers you passage through the first gate on the Road to Rule. Your image will be preserved to the left each time you open a new gate. Now you may step forward and claim your chest. No choice here, you will learn the Fireball Spell. It comes in the form of a gauntlet for you to wear. Enter the portal ahead to leave the Road to Rule.

Now cast your spell and the floor will divide before you, offering underground tunnels to escape the castle. Down the stairs and just ahead you will find a vantage point to overlook your path down the hill. Head to the left and down the hill. Walter and Jasper discuss plans to overthrow your brother. You will need to gather allies. At the first fork in the path go left you collect your first silver key. Return and take the right fork. BATS! Kill them with fire!

Continue down the path. Another fork, marked with two large broken pillars. Go left to find a door that can only be opened with a Gold Key. Go right to travel down some stairs and torch more bats.

Proceed onward to the sewer. More bats will attempt to chew on your face, practice manipulating your fire spell on them. Take a right once inside and quickly find a break in the wall on the left. Go through and find yourself at a dead end with some fanciness, or a Cullis Gate, on the floor. Stand on the fanciness and cast your fire to be transported to the Sanctuary.

It is in disarray, having been abandoned for years, but Jasper finds a book the gives instructions on how to use the map table. Walter intends on getting to Mistpeak and Jasper will stay behind to decipher the book. Interact with the table and maneuver your magnifying glass around the map. Choose a town, in this case the Dweller Camp and select to fast travel there. You can explore the map, but you cannot go to any town not lit with a golden glow.

-Mountains of Mistpeak-

Follow Walter down the hill, to the left, through the camp and up another hill. The people in the camp are starving and Walter remarks he had no idea they were suffering so much. At the gates, Walter gives you 500 gold to buy new clothes and remarks that perhaps you can give the rest to the people while he makes introductions with the leader of the Dwellers. Turn back down the trail and hook a right at the fork. You will find garments for sale at the second caravan on your right.

Purchase all and go to the Sanctuary. Go through the second door on the left, marked above with a clothes hanger. Select the mannequin with the clothes you just bought and select the first option to equip them all. Go back to the Dweller Camp. Swing to the left and make your way back to the large gate where Walter left you. You can interact with Dwellers as you go, and choose to give them gold if you wish. To do so, begin the interaction with the villager and select to give gold. This can earn you a more positive moral standing, although you will not gain negative moral standing by not giving.

You step through the gate and start a cut scene. There is a silver key to your right, but you will not have a chance to grab it at this time. Sabine, ruler of the Dweller people, challenges you to prove you are a Hero by completing three tasks: Collect your hero parents’ trinket, remove the mercenary threat and convince the people of Brightwall to share food supplies with the Dwellers. When the cut scene ends, you are outside the gate. Make your way down the path and through the camp. Go left at the first fork and continue right past the second. Cross the bridge and travel to Mistpeak Valley.

004 - A New Hero

Head down the path to the large open doors and go left at the fork. Down the bend and across the bridge will find you a small pack of wolves. Feel free to get fired up at them. Destroy them and move on to find another bridge and more wolves. Continue down the path and across a bridge. Four wolves here and you’re at a crossroads. Taking the right-most fork here will lead you to Brightwall, though a partial wall to your left hides a chest.


Go down the path and across the bridge on your right to enter the village. To your immediate right is a pawnbroker’s shop, where you can sell things. The building next to that is the inn, where you can sleep in a bed for 6, 8, 12, or 24 hours.

Between those two buildings is a path to a Demon Door. This Door would like you to lead a child to it, so it may gaze upon innocence. As you leave the Door, find a chest to your right behind the inn.

Emerging from beside the inn, food can be found at the stall on the left, potions from the stall at the far left and an armory straight across the clearing. To the right of the armory is a bridge, cross it and go right up the hill. Continue straight until you reach Brightwall Academy. Enter and speak with the librarian, Samuel, just ahead. He will be flabbergasted and showing him your guild seal will all but send him in to a tizzy. He will then lead you down some stairs and to the right, where you will open a door with your seal and proceed alone.

Down the hall and to the right will put you in front a flit switch, colored with blue to designate a melee attack is required to pass. Go to the sanctuary and through the left-most door to choose your melee weapon from the left side of the room. The sword and hammer are both Hero weapons and will grow accordingly to use. Also, as you shape your good or evil reputation, your weapons will change to reflect that as well.

Leave the Sanctuary and strike the flit switch with a melee attack. A bridge will arrive for you to cross, landing you in a large room. Quickly, blue glowing lights will begin to fly into the floor and Hollow Men will emerge at those spots. Give’em the ol’ one two with your fancy new weapon. Finish them and move across the next bridge.

Just ahead, fire a spell at the red flit switch (red designates a magic attack is required) and after the stairway rises, notice the blue arrow embossed at the top of the stairs. Step on it and the next piece of floor will rise to attach there. As you step on the next blue arrow, notice here the blue glowing lights dive bombing again and the Hollow Men that follow. After sending them back to their graves, lead the floor all the way left, step back one, go forward three and left two, to make all the chests available. Continue across in this manner until you reach another stairway.

Proceed down your new stairs. Hop off the broken ledge to the left and take a dive off the bridge. Swim over, blast the door with fire and continue through. Just as the room opens up, Hollow Men come to join you. Be rid of them and head for the dead man. Read his notes and laugh maniacally as you use your fire spell to light the five braziers and collect your silver key. Jump off the ledge and grab the chest straight ahead. Make your way out of the pit and past the dead man again. Beyond him, you will find a rather dusty cavern. Trek upwards to find more Hollow Men. Smite them and move on.

Ahead will eventually be another flit switch, yellow this time to designate a ranged attack is needed. Return to the Sanctuary and go back through the door to the left to select your ranged weapon from the right side of the room. Just like your melee weapon, this will morph over time. You can choose between a rifle and a pistol.

Leave the Sanctuary, shoot the flit switch with your ranged weapon and proceed. Hollow Men attack immediately. Roll some bones and head on. As you continue up, Hollow Men will attack again. Just after them, you will land on a platform with a chest. Here, Hollow Men will attack, including a larger and tougher Hollow Man. Three ramps up, you will find more of these bigger, stronger Hollow Men, as well as a dozen or so of the regular sort. This can be rough, just stay on the outside of the zombie mass and don’t get cornered. Pick them off one by one however you can manage and continue forward. Follow the ramp up until it dumps you inside a room with exceedingly large doors.

Charge forward heedlessly, take the music box and step into the light. Watch a cut scene of your brother being wicked, to which Theresa reiterates what Walter and Jasper have said all along, the realm will fall under your brothers’ rule. It’s up to you to change that. Go through the gate and choose your next chest(s).

005 - In Wolf’s Clothing

Exit the Road to Rule and return to the Brightwall Academy to startle the librarian and then head to the inn to meet Walter. At the inn, Walter gives you information on infiltrating the mercenaries who have been plaguing the Dwellers. He instructs you to take the clothes of the man lying prone across the table and go earn some gold (1000, to be precise) so you can buy the tattoos and facial hair to complete the disguise. There are jobs around town to be had, Lute Hero, or Pie Maker. Once you have made 1000g, go to the hairdresser’s salon near the little bridge opposite the armory, to buy the tattoo and facial hair. Go to the Sanctuary, second door from the left, to equip these and your mercenary getup. FYI, this is consistent whether playing as male or female.

-Mercenary Camp-

Leave the town by bridge and turn left towards Mistpeak Valley. Go straight down the path and around the bend to the right. Take the trail to left. More to the left and under a bridge is a Demon Door. He wants you to bring him a co-op playing Hero. Heading back, go towards the lake, veering to the left before taking a dip. Follow the water’s edge until, posing as Jimmy, you enter the mercenary camp. Making your way through the camp, you will be called Jimmy and your disguise will hold. However past the second gate, you will be recognized and will have to fight your way through the rest of the camp. Slaughter on until you come upon a large round structure, slip under the gate and find your first boss, Captain Saker, leader of the mercenaries.

He likes to light and flick cigars at you and has a frightful strength in melee range. His buddies will also jump into the fray intermittently. Slow Time and Health potions come into great use here, as well rolling away. Eventually, Saker will call an end to the fight and you have a choice to make: Let him live, or kill him. This will impact your moral standing and if he lives, he will serve as an ally. Make your choice and enter the Road to Rule. Choose your chest(s) and exit.

Back at the Mercenary Camp, you can either hoof it back to Brightwall, or you can go to the Sanctuary and use the map table to fast travel. Either way, meet Walter back at the Brightwall Inn. Walter and Samuel explain you will need to help out the people of Brightwall in return for their help to the people of the Dweller Camp. Leaving the inn, bear right to the tiny bridge and straight past the hairdresser’s salon. Follow the curve to the left and Bernard, who has lost his chickens.

006 - Chicken Chaser

Bernard explains his chickens have mysteriously escaped and they have spread all over town! He asks that you don a chicken suit, befriend the wayward fowl and lead them home. Equip the chicken suit in the Sanctuary Dressing Room and begin your chicken hunt through the town.

The chickens loiter about in groups of three and when you find them, give your wings a mighty flap to coerce the chickens into following you. Lead them back to Bernard and chase again. The chickens are clustered just before the bridge leaving Bernard’s, just in front of the gate to exit town and to the left of the Academy.

After returning all the chickens back to Bernard, his wife comes out and announces she released the chickens, as she believes they deserve to be freed. Bernard gets indignant and suggests that maybe it would just be best to kill the chickens rather than let them visit feathery destruction upon the town. He puts the choice to you: Let the chickens live, or kill them all. This will affect your moral standing. Either way, at a later time Bernard will start a chicken race, where bets can be placed and money can be won or lost.

007 - Missing Play

Just by the entrance of the Brightwall Academy, find Lambert and Pinch off to the left. They want you to retrieve a long lost play, as well as the last person they sent after it. Enter the Academy and go around the librarian’s desk. Go straight ahead until a door slams in your face. Someone or something warns you against continuing. Open the door anyway and move on. Another door slams, open it and find the glowing book in the back right corner of the room. Pick up the book and an angry ghost pulls you in with it. You come to with Ransom Locke, the man you were sent after, sitting on a bench next to you. He explains you are both trapped in Philipth Morley’s play and must act out select scenes to escape. Apparently Ransom is quite the lazy cad, because it’s completely up to you to don the costumes and act out the scenes.

First you will step into a dress and role of the lovely daughter of a dung merchant. Some dead guy will begin professing his love for you and you must choose to declare love or abuse your co-star. This will affect your moral standing. Regardless, Morley will appear after the scene and praise you.

Next scene, you will become a lively court jester, dressed yet again as a chicken. A dead guy calling himself King (in such ordinary clothes!) will appear and demand you entertain him. Your choice is to tickle him, or declare your love. This will affect your moral standing. After the scene, Morley will again appear to stroke your ego.

The following scene is actually a combat encounter, you will dress in mercenary clothes and battle many dead guys. There is a choice here too: you can die, or you can live. This affects nothing and the play is written that you die. But experience is to be gained here, so there is that. Finish the scene and Morley graciously gives you his missing play, ‘The Ham Sandwich.’ Leave the dead man’s world and give the play to Lambert and Pitch to act out for the pandering masses.

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Return to Samuel at the town gate. He will give a speech to announce the help to be given to the Dwellers and gives you the title ‘Hero of Brightwall.’ He then asks you to promise to reopen the Brightwall Academy after you achieve Ruler of Albion.

008 - Leaders and Followers

Travel to the Dweller Camp to present your music box to Sabine. Sabine asks that you promise to return the mountains to their former glory. Do so and as the light portal to Road to Rule appears, dart to the left and behind the caravans’ to grab your silver key. Now enter the light, listen to Theresa’s words of wisdom, open the gate, choose your chest(s) and exit.

-Mistpeak Monorail-

Follow Walter out of the Dweller camp and back to Mistpeak Valley. Head down to the lake and bear right. You will encounter bandits, jumping out at you from behind trees. Beat them down and continue to the monorail station.

Inside, you will meet up with Walter and then watch in horror as the monorail malfunctions and crashes to the ground below. Walter is aghast and leads you to the ground level in an attempt to save any survivors. After using the lift and winding through the cave a bit, you will come across some Hobbes.

It appears as though the Hobbes sabotaged the monorail car, but for no known reason. Slay the Hobbes and try to find your way out of the cave. Follow the rails deeper into the cave. Hobbes will continue to assault you until you reach a large ravine. Walter points out that you could shoot down the Hobbes waiting across the gap. Consider it practice and enter aim mode. Continuing on, there will be a few more large groups of Hobbes to get through and then a magical barrier, for which you’ll need to go around to take down the Hobbes behind it.

Eventually you will come upon the remains of some old city. Walk into the ruined arena to find an ambush waiting. Several Hobbes will be casting summoning spells in the center of the arena. You won’t be able to attack them until all the summoned creatures are dead. Slay them all and a portal to the Road to Rule will appear. Handle your business and exit so Walter can show you his mad skills by dispatching the Hobbe blocking your way out of the arena. Make your way unhindered through the remainder of the cave and find yourself in Mourningwood.

009 - The Hollow Legion

Walter explains Mourningwood is a terribly dangerous place to be at nightfall. You will make your way to the Mourningwood Fort. Walter greets Major Swift and sends you to practice operating the mortar while he explains your proposition.

You can explore the Fort here a bit and it’s a good idea to visit the potion seller to the left of the stairs leading to the mortar. Once you begin to practice using the mortar, Hollow Men begin to erupt from the ground. Blow them to bits with the mortar, aiming for large groups at a time. After decimating the already dead, it comes to your attention more Hollow Men are breaking down the rear gate. Get down to the yard and tear them apart. A dead Lieutenant Simmons will reanimate and it’s all up to you to annihilate him.

Lieutenant Simmons summons spectral swords, burrows away only to pop up and run at you like a maniac from afar. He also constantly summons about a half dozen Hollow Men to corner you so he may more easily wail upon you. His super sized swords are slow, but that just means they hurt your face like woah. Use a non-targeted spell to wipe out the minions and focus your serious efforts on Simmons.

After Simmons dies his second death, Major Swift agrees to join your cause. Promise Major Swift you will restore honor back to the soldier’s uniform and restore the guard to its’ former glory. A portal to the Road to Rule opens. Now off to meet Walter at the entrance to Bowerstone Sewers.

010 - Newb Questions

  • -Don’t take offense- everyone starts somewhere!
    I am totally a newb. Just not right now, with this game-*

**Where is the health bar?
No health bar! If you begin to take too much damage, the edges of your screen will begin to soak red. The red will intensify as you take more damage.

Is there some sort of experience bar or way to track character progress?
Note the circle that winds around in a clockwise fashion in the top left corner. That is the closest thing to an experience bar in this game. For each circle that completes, you gain another Guild Seal which can be used to open chests in the Road to Rule.

What happens if I die?
You can’t die! You can get knocked out however. This will happen if you take too much damage without eating something, or taking a health potion. If you are knocked out, you will lose all progress you had towards your next Guild Seal and you will receive a scar.

What is up with the food in this game?
If you eat anything but vegetables, you will gain weight. Cardo counts for nothing in Albion, so if you keep eating crap, you will become fat. Vegetables will cause you to lose weight. Also, you can only carry one type of food or drink at any time! This caps out at seven per. So if you are carrying seven carrots and pick up an apple, all your carrots are gone, but you have an apple!

011 - Silver Keys

-Brightwall Village-

From the bridge into town, go right. Cross a bridge to see a cottage and immediately swing left. Down the stairs and find a Key under the bridge.

From in front of the Academy, go toward the cottage just next to you, then swing into the grass and find a Key hidden by some rocks.

Go to the place with the chickens and go behind the house to find a Key.

In the Reliquary, find a dead man near some braziers. Light the braziers with your fireball spell and a Key is behind the door that opens.

Also in the Reliquary, head on past the dead man and through the dusty cavern. That will land you a room with a bunch of debris in the floor and two other doorways out. Take the one on the right and go right, past the chest and up the path. When you reach the flat area, minus some debris of course, get to the lever in the middle of the gazebo-like tomb area. Pull it and a staircase will rise. Take that staircase and go up the stairs to find a Key.

-Bowerstone Castle-

In the gardens, go into the hedges to the right (from the castle). You will find a Key behind a statue.

From the catacombs, head through the escape route to the sewers. At the first fork you come to, hook a left and a Key will be right ahead of you.

-Bowerstone Industrial-

Find the factory being worked by children. Head up the ramp and note the levers. Pull the level just ahead of you, then head over to the far right lever and pull that. From there, Go to the far left and pull that lever and then pull the first lever you pulled, just behind you. A Key is now available for snatching.

From the Cesspool, jump into the water below. Head through the sewers and keep your eyes peeled for a wall on your left (boarded up) that you can bust into pieces. It’s hiding your Key!

After accepting the “One Ring to Find” quest, simply go right within the new sewer area. Key!

After becoming Ruler of Albion, go to the military warehouse near the docks. Climb the stairs and find your Key inside an elevator car.

-Bowerstone Marketplace-

Purchase the Hauteville Heights home and find a Key in the backyard.

Find your way from the clock tower towards Logan’s statue, across the bridge. Just after crossing said bridge, hook a right, down the stairs and BAM! Key is just behind you, hidden by some crates.

From inside the Hideout, find the man within a cell. Go into the next hallway and go to the right. Pop through the door here and fall down the stairs to find a Key in a cell in the Torture Area.

-Bowerstone Old Quarter-

Purchase the Nightshade house. Find a Key upstairs.

From the center area with some trees, head through the large gate. Wind down the path and continue straight into the grass to find a Key hanging some laundry.


Go up the hill to leave the city into Shifting Sands. As you head up, a path will open up on your right side. This will lead to a Key.

Take the hill to the right of the exit toward Shifting Sands. Find a roof you can vault onto with a chest. Start hopping down roof tops until you end up on the one with Surprise! A Key!


Get to the island far out and to the left. Climb to the top of the hill and right away look off the ledge to the left. Hopefully you see a Key! If not, keep scooting forward and looking over the ledge.

After completing the Island Paradise achievement, go across the bridge to the left shore and enter the cave. Key!

-Dweller Camp-

Go to Sabine’s caravan behind the big wooden gates. Look to your right and Bam! A Key is taunting you from just behind a couple other caravans.


Opposite of the entrance to the Millfield Monorail Station, there is a cave called Pepperpot Cave. You might have missed it because it is boarded up. Bust it open and get in there! Many Hobbes! Handle it and get to the far end of the cave to collect a Key.

Between the residential and commercial areas of Millfields you travel along a path lined by wooden fences. Near the closest factory building to the residential area, hop the fence and go check out the building. In a lift that doesn’t work you will find a Key.

Near the old graveyard, you find a Key on the left as you approach.

Near the old graveyard, you if you look around with your camera, you will see a statue with a spyglass. Get to him and find a Key in the pool of water near his feet.

After completing Masquerade, enter the manse that previously housed Reaver. Get to his bedroom and search the bookcases to find a secret passage to a hidden bedroom. A Key can be found there and hands should be thoroughly washed after the fact.

In Dankwater Cavern, there are two Keys and you must have completed the main storyline to access them. After that, you must complete the quest Hobnobbing with Hobbes. After that, head into the water and swim left. A key will be on a path leading out of the water, after a minute encounter with Hobbes. Now get back in the water and swim back towards the entrance to the cave. From there, bump clumsily and tightly around the rock on your right. A Key will be found at one of dead end paths found through the rocks.

-Mercenary Camp-

Go to the gate that doesn’t open for you. Head right and execute the dummies who challenge you. After your conquest, search around that guard tower near you until you locate a Key.


From the Mourningwood Fort, go up the hill to the right and break some planks to get to a Key.

At the eco warrior camp, find the house nearest to the ruined stone arches. A Key can be found within the last arch.

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From the Ossuary, look right as you enter to find an open tomb with a Key inside.

Within the Ossuary, climb to the top level and go left to find a vaulting point. Vault from here and onto a Key! Well it’s just behind you but still.

-Shifting Sands - Aurora-

Get to the large hand statue that leads to Aurora and turn around to find a stone arch. Go towards that until you see a path heading up on the right side. Take the path! Receive a Key for your mighty effort!

Make your way towards Shadelight and turn left as you pass under an arch. Hug the rocks and proceed forward until you locate a Key in a dip of sand.

Head for the exit of Shadelight and search relentlessly for a rock of ridiculous proportions. It will be protecting a Key from the elements.

In Sandfall Palace, upon entering you will find a locked door to your left. Look up and begin firing wildly at the yellow flit switch until the door gives up all it’s treasure to you. Continue on to the place where you got the Auroran Diamond, or to where you will get and find a partial wall to the left. Step behind it to find a Key.


A Key can be found inside the Silverpines Mine.

Just outside the village lies a small bridge to aid your crossing of the small river. Just by this bridge you can find a path that will lead upwards and to a Key.

-Sunset House-

Left of the Demon Door, just out there for the taking- a Key!

Heading up to the house (or house ruins depending on the time of day), a Key can be found to the right hidden among rocks and trees.

-The Veiled Path - Aurora-

At the far end of the Veiled Path, turn right at the large stone doors to successfully find a Key.

Inside The Enigma, shoot the yellow flit switch to get into the second room. Next light some braziers with your fire spell to open the next door. Inside on a platform awaits a Key.

012 - Gold Keys

-Mistpeak Valley-

Run uphill from the lake and go left just before the path to Brightwall. Follow the grassy ridge to find an entrance to Chillbreath Cavern. Inside take the upward path until you come to the exit. Leave and run down the hill to find a Gold Key in some ruins.

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After completing “Restoration”, “Pest Control”, “An Island Getaway” and “Giftwood” a bridge will appear to an island. Cross it and strike the flit switch. Follow the flit switch around until you climb a mountain (or mighty hill) in pursuit. A warp zone at the top will take you to a Gold Key.

- Aurora - The Veiled Path-

At the staircase at the far end of the Veiled Path is the entrance to the Enigma area. Look for a flit switch at the end of the room just above the door. Use the fireball spell to light the torches in the area ahead. In the room with the colored floor panels, examine the flames on the wall. These flames reveal the order you must step on the panels. A Gold Key is just behind the door.

- Aurora - Shifting Sands-

After completing the game, a quest called “A Key to a Greater City” will become available. The man offering the quest will sell you a key for 4000 gold. Go to the Shifting Sands now and run across the dunes until you reach the far side. Head left and follow the cliff edge until you reach some ruins. Follow the little path to the bottom and use the key. A Gold Key will be in the area ahead now, just behind some various baddies who would like to die.

SOU – Sources to be Cited!

I would like to offer a hearty Thank You to Lionhead Studios and Microsoft for this fantabulous game!

And also a mighty Thank You for writing such splendid information about the game that I used it quite liberally in the “Introduction to the Guide” section of this guide.

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