Excel All Formulas List Pdf

Excel ® 2016 FORMULAS and FUNCTIONS This book is part of Que’s exciting new Content Update Program, which provides automatic content updates for major technology improvements! 4 As Microsoft makes significant updates to Excel 2016, sections of this book will be updated or new sections will be added to match the updates to the software. Mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria COUNT =COUNT(value1,value2,) Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments COUNTA =COUNTA(value1,value2,) Counts how many values are in the list of arguments COUNTBLANK =COUNTBLANK(range) Counts the number of blank cells within a range COUNTIF =COUNTIF(range,criteria). एक्सेल फार्मूला लिस्ट - All Excel Formula List in Hindi, ms excel formulas in hindi, excel formula download, excel formulas in hindi language, excel formulas pdf, microsoft excel formulas in hindi list, Basic Excel formulas & functions with examples.

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Statistical Power


p = 1 - β


p = Statistical Power of Test
β = Beta

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Permutation and Combination


nPr = n! / ( n - r )!
nCr = nPr / r!

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Normal Distribution

Normal Distribution Formula :

X < mean = M - Z
X > mean = M + Z
Z = (X-M) / σ


M = Mean.
σ = Standard Deviation.
X = Normal Random Variable

Related Calculator:

Probability Density Function of Normal Distribution, Standard Normal Distribution

Formula :
PDF of Normal Distribution = P(x) = (1/(σsqrt(2π)))e-(x-m)2 / (2σ2)
Standard Normal Distribution = P(x) = (1/sqrt(2π))e-(x2 / 2)

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Binomial Distribution


P (X = r) = nCr pr (1-p)n-r


Combination nCr = ( n! / (n- r)! ) / r!
n = Number of Events
r = Number of Success
p = Probability of Success

Related Calculator:

Negative Binomial Distribution

Negative Binomial Distribution Formula :
Negative Binomial Distribution P(X = r) = n-1Cr-1 pr (1-p)n-r
Combination n-1Cr-1 = ( (n-1)! / ((n-1)-(r-1))! ) / (r-1)!

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Poisson Distribution

Poisson-distribution Formula:

Poisson Distribution f(x) = eλx / x!

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Hypergeometric Distribution


Hypergeometric Distribution h(x, N, n, k) = [kCx] [N - kCn - x] / [NCn]


k = Number of Selected Items from the Population Size
x = Random Variable
N = Total Population Size
n = Total Sample Size

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Z Score to P Value


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Exponential Distribution

P(x) = ae-ax,
a is the parameter of the distribution,
x is the random variable,
P(x) is the probability density function.

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Expected Value E(x)


E[x] = n x p


n is the number of trials,
p is the probability of a successful outcome.

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Weibull Probability Distribution Function

Formula Used :

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Beta Distribution Function

Formula Used:
Probability Density Function (pdf) =
Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf) =
Β(α,β) - Beta Function
Βx(α,β)- Incomplete Beta Function

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Cauchy Distribution

Formula Used:

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Gamma Distribution Function

Formula Used:

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Laplace Distribution

Formula Used:

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Continuous Uniform Distribution

Formula Used:
Probability Density =
Lower Cumulative Distribution =
Upper Cumulative Distribution =

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Weibull Cumulative Distribution, Probability Density

Formula Used:

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Inverse / Reciprocal Gamma Distribution

Formula Used:
Probability Density Function (pdf) =
Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf) =

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Diagnostic Post Test Probability

O = p1 / ( 1 - p1 ),
p2 = O * L,
p = p2 / ( 1 + p2 ),

p1 is the pretest probability,
O is the pretest odds,
p2 is the posttest odds,
L is the likelihood ratio,
p is the posttest probability.

Related Calculator:

Multinomial Distribution


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Rayleigh Distribution


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Gumbel Distribution for PDF, CDF


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Geometric Distribution

Excel Formulas List Pdf In Hindi


P(x) = qxp

Where ,

p = Probability of success for a single trial
q = Probability of failure for a single trial ( = 1-p )
x = Total Occurrence - 1

Related Calculator:

Dirichlet Multinomial Distribution



Pr(Z α ) is Dirichlets Multinominal Distribution
A is ∑k αk (Sigma) represents summation of Parameter vector (α) values
N is ∑k nk represents summation of Independent trial (n) values
k is number of trials
Γ (gamma) represents factorial function of (x-1)
Π (pi) represents product function

Related Calculator:

Standard Distribution

Formula Used:
Mean (M)= Sum of random values / n
Standard Sample Deviation

X - sample values
M - mean value
n - number of samples values

Related Calculator:

Kolmogorov Smirnov Test



D = Maximum Value of Normal Distribution,
N = Numbeformr of Statistic Data,
F = Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) Index.

Related Calculator:

Student T Test



X1 - Group one data,
X2 - Group two data,
t - test statistic
n1,n2 - Group values count

Related Calculator:

Degrees of Freedom

One Sample T-Test Formula:

d = n1 - 1

Two Sample T-Test Formula:

df = (n1 + n2) - 2


df = Degree of Freedom
n1 = Total Number in Sequence 1
n2 = Total Number in Sequence 2

Related Calculator:

Combination nCr


C(n,r) = n! / ( r! (n - r)! )


C(n,r) = Combinations nCr
n = Number of Sample Points in Set
r = Number of sample Points in Each Combination

Related Calculator:

Fisher Z Transformation


Zr = ( 1 / 2 ) [ ln ( 1 + r ) - ln ( 1 - r ) ]
SEzr = ( 1 / √( n - 3 ) )


Zr = Z Score
SEzr = Standard Error
r = Correlation Coefficient
n = Size

Related Calculator:

Standard Normal Distribution


Z = (x - μ) / σ


Z = Standardized Random Variable
x = The Value that is being Standardized
μ = Mean of the Distribution
σ = Standard Deviation of the Distribution

Related Calculator:

Geometric Probability


r = (1 - p)
u = rx
f = u x p
l = 1 - r(x + 1)
m = r / p


u = Upper CDF
l = Lower CDF
f = Probability of Mass
m = Mean
p = Probability of Success
x = Percentile x

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Index Of Dispersion

List of excel 2010 formulas


Index of Dispersion = σ2 / μ


μ = Mean
σ2 = Variance

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nPr = n! / ( n - r )!


nPr = Permutations
n = Number of sample points in set n
r = Number of sample points in each permutation

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T Score

Formula :

t-Observed :
t - Observed = (Sample Mean - Population Mean) / Standard Deviation
Mean :
Mean = Sum of X values / N(Number of Values)
Sample Standard Deviation :

Related Calculator:

Log Odds and Odds


When Observed Proportion is Given
o = p / (1 - p)
l = log (p / (1 - p))

When Odds is Given
p = o / (1 + o)
l = log(o)

When Log Odds is Given
o = Exp (l)
p = o / (1 - o)


o = Odds
l = Log Odds
p = Observed Proportion

Related Calculator:

Bivariate Distribution


Probability Density (f) = ( 1 / ( 2 π √ ( 1 - p2))) × ( e ( - ( x2 - 2pxy + y2)) / ( 2 ( 1 - p2)))


f = Probability Density
x = Percentile x
y = Percentile y
p = Correlation Coefficient

Related Calculator:

Logistic Distribution


E = e- ((x - a) / b)
p = E / (b x (1 + E)2)
lcdf = 1 / (1 + E)
ucdf = 1- lcdf


E = Exponent Value
x = Percentile
a = Location Parameter
b = Scale Parameter
p = Probability Density Function (pdf)
lcdf = Lower Cumulative Density Function (lcdf)
ucdf = Upper Cumulative Density Function (ucdf)

Related Calculator:

Number Lock Permutations


Combination Without Repitition = a! / b! x (a - b)!
Combination With Repitition = (a + b - 1)! / b! x ((a + b - 1) - b)!
Variation Without Repitition = a! / (a - b)!
Variation With Repitition = ab


a = Element to Choose from
b = Elements Chosen

Related Calculator:

T Function and V Function


t = 1 / (2π) tan-1a


t = T-Function and V-Function
a = Coefficient (y = ax)

Related Calculator:

Arcsine Distribution


Cumulative Distribution Function = (2 / π) * (arcsine (√ (x)))
Probability Distribution Function = 1 / (π √ (x (1 - x)))


x = Parameter

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Folded Normal Distribution



x = Upper Limit
μ = Mean
σ2 = Variance
erf=Error function

Related Calculator:

Percentile Mean Standard Deviation


50th Percentile = Mean
84th Percentile = Mean + Standard Deviation
97.5th Percentile = Mean + (2 x Standard Deviation)

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List Of Excel 2010 Formulas

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Keep this Excel spreadsheet close and keep an eye on what it reveals about your food costs, labor, and your profit margin. By constantly looking at your controllable costs, you’ll spot when something isn’t looking right early and make the necessary changes before it eats away at your profit. 3. Financial Forecast Spreadsheet Template Aug 14, 2017 · Retail Math 101 — The Formulas You Need to Know. Now for the good stuff, the nitty-gritty, the meat and potatoes (or the tofu and potatoes for our vegan friends) — the core of what you need to know and retail math definitions explained. Let’s jump right into some alphabet soup with ten basic retail math formulas.

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May 19, 2019 · FORMULAS; 1: Gross Profit Ratio: Gross Profit/Net Sales X 100: 2: Operating Cost Ratio: Operating Cost/Net Sales X 100: 3: Operating Profit ratio: Operating Profit/Net Sales X 100: 4: Net Profit Ratio: Operating Profit/Net Sales X 100: 5: Return on Investment Ratio: Net Profit After Interest And Taxes/ Shareholders Funds or Investments X 100: 6

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