BASCOM-AVR1© is a Windows BASIC COMPILER for the AVR family. It is designed to run on W95/W98/NT/XP - KIT scheda per sperimentazione Display Numerico KND 08
- KIT scheda per sperimentazione Display Numerico KND 44
- KIT scheda per sperimentazione Display Alfanumerico KAD 08
- KIT scheda per sperimentazione K51-AVR
- Introduzione alla programmazione dei Microcontrollori con il BASCOM
BASCOM AVR- Reference and User GuideBASCOM-AVR Ver. - Rel. 04 November 2008.
Available now! BASCOM-AVR - DEMO [04 Novembre 2006 Rel.] - Lunghezza di 19,6 MB -DOWNLOAD La versione e' la nuova Released del BASCOM-AVR. Questa versione DEMO è ottima e può generare programmi fino a 4KB di lungezza. Corso Teorico/Pratico diProgrammazione in BASIC |
Key BenefitsStructured BASIC with labels. | Structured programming with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF, DO-LOOP, WHILE-WEND, SELECT- CASE. | Fast machine code instead of interpreted code. | Variables and labels can be as long as 32 characters. | Bit, Byte, Integer, Word, Long, and String variables. (Prof. Edition with SINGLE) | Compiled programs work with all non-MEGA AVR microprocessors that have internal memory. The Prof-Edition will support the MEGA series too. | Statements are highly compatible with Microsoft’s VB/QB. | Special commands for LCD-displays , I2C chips and 1WIRE chips. | Integrated terminal emulator with download option.. | Integrated simulator for testing.(at the moment not ready yet, will be added) | Integrated ISP programmer (aplication note AVR910.ASM). Other programmers will be added on request. | Editor with statement highlighting. | Context sensitive help. |
The following statements are supported :Decision and structures IF, THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF, END IF, DO, LOOP, WHILE, WEND, UNTIL, EXIT DO, EXIT WHILE, FOR, NEXT, TO, DOWNTO, STEP, EXIT FOR, ON . GOTO/GOSUB, SELECT, CASE. Input and output PRINT, INPUT, INKEY, PRINT, INPUTHEX, LCD, UPPERLINE, LOWERLINE,DISPLAY ON/OFF, CURSOR ON/OFF/BLINK/NOBLINK, HOME, LOCATE, SHIFTLCD LEFT/RIGHT, SHIFTCURSOR LEFT/RIGHT, CLS, DEFLCDCHAR, WAITKEY, INPUTBIN, PRINTBIN, OPEN, CLOSE, DEBOUNCE, SHIFTIN, SHIFTOUT. Numeric functions AND, OR, XOR, INC, DEC, MOD, NOT, ABS, BCD. I2C I2CSTART, I2CSTOP, I2CWBYTE, I2CRBYTE, I2CSEND and I2CRECEIVE. 1WIRE 1WWRITE, 1WREAD, 1WRESET. SPI SPIINIT, SPIIN, SPIOUT. Interrupt programming ON INT0/INT1/TIMER0/TIMER1/SERIAL, RETURN, ENABLE, DISABLE, COUNTERx, CAPTUREx, INTERRUPTS, CONFIG, START, LOAD. Bit manipulation SET, RESET, ROTATE, SHIFT, BITWAIT. Variables DIM, BIT , BYTE , INTEGER , WORD, LONG, SINGLE, STRING , DEFBIT, DEFBYTE, DEFINT, DEFWORD. (SINGLE only for the Prof. Edition) Miscellaneous REM, ' , SWAP, END, STOP, CONST, DELAY, WAIT, WAITMS, GOTO, GOSUB, POWERDOWN, IDLE, DECLARE, CALL, SUB, END SUB, MAKEDEC, MAKEBCD, INP,OUT, ALIAS, DIM , ERASE, DATA, READ, RESTORE, INCR, DECR, PEEK, POKE, CPEEK, FUNCTION. Compiler directives $INCLUDE, $BAUD and $CRYSTAL, $SERIALINPUT, $SERIALOUTPUT, $RAMSIZE, $RAMSTART, $IRAMSTART, $DEFAULT XRAM, $ASM-$END ASM, $LCD. String manipulation STRING, SPACE, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, VAL, HEXVAL, LEN, STR, HEX, LTRIM, RTRIM, TRIM. To make a program takes just a few steps :Write the program in BASIC | Compile it to fast machine binary code | Test the result with the integrated simulator(with additional hardware you can simulate the hardware too).Will be added later. For now use AVR Studio | Program the chip with one of the integrated programmers. (hardware must be purchased separately) |
The program can be written in a comfortable MDI color coded editor. Besides the normal editing features, the editor supports Undo, Redo, Bookmarks and block indention.
SIMULATOR NOT READY YET! Pictures are from BASCOM-8051. The simulator let you test your program before writing it to the uP. You can watch variables, step through the program one line at the time or run to a specific line, or you can alter variables. To watch a variables value you can also point the mouse cursor over it. A powerful feature is the hardware emulator, to emulate the LCD display, and the ports. The LCD emulator also emulates custom build LCD characters! When you are done with the simulator it is time to program the chip using one of the supported programmer drivers.
The program, documentation and samples are in English. |